30 Best Health Benefits Foods High in Protein — Healthy Food

Foods high in protein are the building block for hormones, muscle, skin, and organs. Discover more..

Ranjan Kumar Sahu
10 min readSep 17, 2021
Health Benefits Foods High in Protein: Source — https://healthy-food.in

Foods High in Protein

Protein food is a nutrition that is needed by the body to build and repair tissues. Children need it for growth.

Studies show that you can eat food with protein to lose weight and stomach fat and increase muscle strength.

Foods high in protein can also lower blood pressure and fight off diabetes.

Doctors also give medical advice to eat protein food regularly for bodyweight management and health point of view.

The Reference Daily Issuance (RDI), for protein, is 46g for women and 56g for men.

Many health and fitness professionals agree that optimal functioning requires more than that.

Protein foods are very essentials in our day-to-day life and to live a healthy and fit life.

Sources of Protein

You can get the highest protein foods from the following rich sources of protein:

A. Food with Protein: Nuts and Seeds

B. Food high in protein: Grains and Cereals

C. Food with Protein: Legumes

D. Protein Food: Dairy

E. Vegetables: Source of Protein

F. Foods high in Protein: Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood

The Best 30 Foods High in Protein

A. Food with Protein: Nuts and Seeds

1. Pumpkin Seeds

pumpkin seeds, seeds, foods high in protein, protein, food, health, healthy, nutrition, healthy food, healthy eating
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

We get Pumpkin seeds from pumpkins.

They’re high in iron and magnesium, as well as zinc.

Content: 22% of calories. One ounce (28gm) contains 9g of protein and only 158 calories. (Sources: USDA)

2. Flax Seeds

Foods high in protein, protein, seeds, flax seeds, nutrition, food, health, healthy eating, healthy food
Photo by Secret User on Unsplash

Flaxseed is commonly used to improve digestive health.

It helps in relieving constipation and proper bowel moment.

Flaxseed may also help in reducing blood cholesterol levels and the

risk of heart disease.

Content: 55 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 18g of protein.

3. Sunflower Seeds

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Photo by Devi Puspita Amartha Yahya on Unsplash

You can get Sunflower seeds from the flower head of the sunflower plant.

Sunflower seeds are known for their high nutritional health value.

You can eat the seeds raw, roasted, or by incorporating them with other healthy dishes.

Content: 58 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 21g of protein.

4. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the globe.

They’re fully loaded with beneficial nutrients for your body and brain.

Content: 48 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 17g of protein.

5. Almonds

Almonds are a common type of tree nut. They are rich sources of vitamins E, magnesium, fiber, manganese, and vitamin E.

People who are allergic to nuts should avoid eating almonds.

Content: 15% of calories. 6 grams of sugar and 164 calories per 1 ounce (28g)

6. Peanuts

Peanuts have high amounts of protein, fiber, and magnesium.

Studies have shown that they can help you shed weight.

Peanut oil is also a rich source of protein. However, it can also contain a lot of calories. That’s why you should be careful about how much you eat.

Peanuts should not be consumed by people suffering from nut allergies.

Content: 18% of calories 7g (28g) and 161 Calories are found in a single ounce (28g).

7. Pistachios

Pistachios are the most beneficial tree nuts. It has lots of health benefits.

Pistachios nuts are the great source of nutrients. You can find it loaded with high protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

People have been eating pistachios for many thousands of years back for many health and nutritional benefits.

These days, you can find Pistachios in many dishes, ice creams, chocolates, sweets, and salads.

Content: 56 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 20gm of protein.

8. Cashews

Cashews are sourced from the cashew tree. A kidney-shaped seed is cultivated in various warm and tropical climates worldwide, especially on a large scale in Brazil.

Cashews are highly rich in nutrients.

Cashews help in improving body strength. Cashews are beneficial in weight loss, improving the heart’s health, and of course, it manages blood sugar levels.

Nowadays, people use cashews in various sweets dishes, chocolate bars, fruits, nuts bars, rice dishes, ice creams, and many more.

Content: 55 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 18gm of protein.

B. Food High in Protein: Grains and Cereals

9. Oats

Oats are one of the best grain choices.

They supply fiber, vitamins B1, manganese, and other nutrients, including healthy fibers.

Content: 14% calories. A cup of oats will provide you with 11g and 307 calories (in grams).

10. Quinoa

Quinoa can be described as a pseudo-cereal and is often considered a superfood.

It’s high in vitamins and minerals, fiber, as well as antioxidants.

Quinoa contains many benefits for your health.

Content: 15% of calories. 8 grams (185g) of cooked quinoa have 222


C. Food High in Protein: Legume

11. Lentils

Lentils, a type of legume, are an example of this.

They are high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron folate, copper, and manganese.

Lentils make an excellent choice for vegetarians or vegans.

Content: 31% of calories. One cup (198g) of boiled beans contains 18g and 230 calories.

12. Soybeans

You can find Soybeans or soya beans or kidney beans legumes, mostly in eastern Asia.

The scientific name is Glycine max. Soybeans are an essential part of Asian diets. Today, Soybeans are also grown in South and North America.

Soybeans are often eaten as whole food for their nutritional value. But, heavily processed soy products are also standard these days in most Western countries.

Soy products are available as soy flour, soy milk, soy protein, soy sauce, tofu, and soybean oil.

Soybeans are an excellent source of antioxidants and nutrients that have a lot of health benefits.

Content: 44 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 12gm of protein.

13. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a type of legume. The round shape beige legume and some other varieties are also green, black, and red.

Chickpeas are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These essentials nutrients are beneficial for muscle, bone, and skin health.

Chickpeas fulfill a significant amount of protein for people who are cutting down on meat consumption.

Content: 36 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 19gm of protein.

D. Food High in Protein: Dairy

14. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheddar cheese is low-fat, low-calorie cheese.

It is high in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin B12; vitamin B2 (riboflavin); and many other nutrients.

Content: 69% of calories. One cup (226g) of low-fat cottage cheese with

1% fat has 28 grams of protein, 163 calories, and 226g.

15. Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese is a hard Italian cheese with unique nutritional qualities. It is also known as Parmigiano Reggiano.

The traditional Italian cheese with a distinctive texture and flavor is made from a 1000-year-old manufacturing process.

Parmesan Cheese provides the most notable healthy nutrition, including lots of digestible calcium and protein.

It also improves body immunity and reduces the risk of diseases.

Content: 43 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 38gm of protein.

16. Swiss Cheese

Swiss cheese is a medium-hard made from cow’s milk cheese. It’s an excellent source of daily nutrition.

Swiss cheese is loaded with high levels of calcium and protein, which are damn good for your health.

This cheese is well-known for its large holes. These are caused by carbon dioxide accumulation in cheese’s body during maturation.

Swiss cheese also having nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Valine, Calcium, and Isoleucine.

Content: 38 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 27gm of protein. Larger holes signify a more robust taste and a more extended maturation period.

17. Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella has a mild flavor but absorbs the flavors of the other ingredients into moist, open layers of the spun card together with mozzarella, melts to become wonderfully elastic, which has made it such a famous cheese.

Like most other fresh cheeses, it adds texture rather than a specific taste to a dish.

Mozzarella is the most famous traditional Italian soft cheese.

Non-salted and non-fat mozzarella is low calorie, protein-rich, very nutritious, and mineral-rich dairy product. /3.5 oz (100 g) fresh skim-milk (lite) mozzarella carries just 141 calories against 299 calories of whole milk mozzarella.

It is similar to other fresh cheeses in that it adds texture to dishes rather than specific tastes.

Mozzarella, the traditional Italian soft cheese, is the most well-known. Non-salted, non-fat mozzarella has low calories, is protein-rich, very nutritious, and contains many minerals.

Content: 29 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 28gm of protein.

18. Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar is today’s Americans’ favorite cheese. Melty quesadillas, atop a sizzling burger or creamy mac, whatever served in, Cheddar plays its role in adding excellent mouth-watering taste and flavor to food.

White Cheddar is a mind-blowing delicious addition to many fantastic comfort foods; still, it doesn’t have a good reputation for health if taken in higher quantities.

Cheddar’s high-calorie count and saturated fat content are the concern of many people.

A moderate amount of Cheddar is always enjoyable and can be a part of a healthy diet.

Content: 40 calories per 10gm. 100gm contains 25gm of protein.

19. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt (also known as strained or thick yogurt) is an extensive kind of yogurt.

It is high in nutrients and has a creamy texture. We can use Greek yogurt with both sweet and salty dishes.

Content: 69% of calories. One 6-ounce (170-grams) 6-ounce container contains 17g of protein and 100 calories.

Sweetened Greek yogurt is not much helpful. Greek yogurt that is full of fat has more calories, but it’s also high in proteins.

Similar options

Regular full-fat yogurt contains (24% calories) or kefir (40%)

20. Milk

Milk is a good source of almost all the nutrients that your body needs.

It’s an excellent source of high-quality protein. It’s also rich in calcium, vitamin B2, and riboflavin.

Low-fat or no-fat milk options are available if you are concerned with your fat intake.

Lactose-intolerant people may experience digestive problems from drinking milk. Also, people suffering from a milk allergy may experience severe symptoms. Therefore, dairy milk is not recommended.

The alternative is for those who do not want to drink milk or cannot tolerate dairy products.

Content: 21% of calories. One cup of whole milk contains 8g of protein and 149 calories.

One cup of soymilk provides 6.3g of protein and contains 105 calories.

21. Whey Protein Supplements

A food supplement can be beneficial if you’re short on time and are unable or unwilling to cook.

Whey protein, a high-quality protein food from dairy, can help build muscles mass. It may help you lose weight.

Whey protein supplements are available online in a variety of flavors.

Content varies from brand to brand. Some brands may have 20–50

grams of proteins per serving.

E. Vegetables: Source of Protein

22. Broccoli

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable that provides vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, potassium, and magnesium.

It also provides bioactive nutrition that can protect against cancer.

It has a high-calorie food with a protein ratio and is calorie-for-calorie.

One cup (96gms) of chopped broccoli has 3 grams of protein and only 31 calories. Content: 33% of calories.

23. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels seeds are another high-protein vegetable closely related to broccoli.

They are high in fiber, vitamin D, and other nutrients.

Content: 28% calories. One-half cup (78g) has 2 grams protein and 28 caloric (28 calories).

F. Foods High in Protein: Meat, Poultry, Fish, and Seafood

24. Lean Beef

Lean beef contains high levels of protein, bioavailable, vitamin B12, and other vital nutrients.

Content: 53% calories. 25g protein per 85-g serving of lean sirloin steak (a 3-ounce) contains 186 calories.

A low-carb diet includes beef. It is an excellent source of protein.

25. Turkey Breast

Turkey’s breasts are similar to chicken’s breasts in many ways.

It is mainly made up of protein and very few calories. It tastes delicious and contains many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Content: 82% of calories come from protein. 85-gram serving has 26g protein and includes 125 calories.

26. Eggs

You can include whole eggs in your daily diet. Eggs are the most nutritious and healthiest foods.

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients.

Whole eggs have a high content of nutrients, but egg whites are almost 100% protein food.

People with an egg allergy cannot eat eggs or foods that contain eggs.

Content: 33% of calories in a whole egg. A large egg contains 6g of protein and 78 calories.

27. Breast of Chicken

Chicken breasts are a favorite food high in protein dishes.

Without the skin means that most calories come from protein.

Chicken breast is versatile and very easy to make. It’s versatile and delicious in a range of dishes.

Content: 75% calories. A single roasted chicken breast is only 53g in weight and has 284 calories.

28. Tuna

Tuna, a type of fish, is very popular. It’s delicious in both hot and cold dishes, as well as in salads.

It is high in protein and low in calories.

Tuna, like all fish, is a rich source of many nutrients and omega-3 fatty.

Content: 84% of calories are found in tuna canned and preserved in water.

One can (142g) has 27 grams of protein and only 112 calories.

29. Fish (All types)

There are many reasons why fish is healthy.

It is rich in essential nutrients. Some varieties contain high amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 oils.

Content: Variable. Salmon is 22% in protein. A 3-ounce serving of salmon contains 19 grams (85-gram) and only 175 Calories (25g).

30. Shrimp

Shrimp is a type of seafood.

Shrimp is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, as are other fish. It is low in calories but high in selenium, vitamin B12, and vitamin B12.

Content: 97% of calories. A 3-ounce serving (85 grams) contains 20g and only 84 Calories.

Foods high in protein are crucial for maintaining and healing body tissue. It can help you lose weight. There are many options for protein food. Lentils, a source of plant-based protein, are an excellent option for vegetarians as well as vegans.

Check originally published at https://healthy-food.in.

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Ranjan Kumar Sahu

Blogger. Content Developer. Author. Passionate about writing content on healthy food, healthy eating, diets, lifestyle, nutrition etc., https://healthy-food.in